Please join me in welcoming Katherine Wyvern, a fellow author in the M/M genre.
All authors have their own reasons for writing a book. What are yours?
I live with my head in the clouds half the time (no, who am I kidding? ALL the time), dreaming up stories and people… And I like to make things, create beautiful objects. A story is a beautiful object crafted from words. I just love to do that.
What would you like readers to take away from your story? Does it contain a message?
Wind is really a fun story. It has very dark moments, but it was mostly an escape from more serious topics into a fantasy world of action and magic. But I did couch a critic of homophobic behaviors in it, and a plea for tolerance.
Where did you find your inspiration for the story? Was it a person, a current event, something you witnessed, or something else?
Oh, this is really funny! Last summer I was drawing a sketch of a pale blond elf and I messed up his left eye so badly that I was going to throw the whole thing away. In a moment of exasperation I blacked out the offending eye, and BAM! This incredibly beautiful, sexy elf-pirate was there in front of me. I was blown over. I began writing his story the next day. I had no idea where I was going with it, not the faintest hint of a plot, nothing. It was crazy and a lot of fun.
Did you face any obstacles or challenges while writing the story and if so, what were they?
Not really. It was a beautiful adventure to write this, and it had a magic all of its own. The main challenge came at editing time, because as it is often the case with my heroes, Rikko’ was a very quiet, introverted character who had a lot of trouble declaring his love. My editor is always at loggerheads with my heroes about this, nagging them into being more outspoken. It can be difficult to make it happen out of the blue however, and it requires a lot of careful fine-tuning in the hero’s characterization to make it believable without utterly destroying his individual personality.W
How much emphasis do you put on supporting characters to move the plot of your stories along? Have any of your supporting characters ever gotten their own story?
It depends from book to book, but in general I love to have vivid characters in the background to bring the story to life, and yes, sometimes they end up having their own story. Queen Amata, the Queen in this book, as a very minor character in Spellbreakers (Evernight Publishing, 2014). She is not the main character here, but she plays a crucial role.
Do you write in other genres and if so, what are they? What genres would you like to try that you haven’t already?
I write sci/fi, fantasy and contemporary, and my most recent book (which is coming soon) is an historical fiction. I had thought about trying my hand at a paranormal story, but I don’t seem able to make any headway with it.
What or who influences your writing?
My favorite authors, Antonia S. Byatt, Patrick O’Brian and Tolkien all have an influence on my prose and themes. In this particular book O’Brian’s influence is really obvious, seeing how much ship-action is going on in the story!
What is your writing process? Are you a patnser or a plotter, or a little of both?
Absolute pantser. I follow my emotional urge to write a certain scene, very much at random, often skipping back and forth into the story. Eventually all the scenes begin to form a pattern and I get to craft the necessary connections.
What are your three favorite books by other authors and why? You don’t have to limit this to three. (I know I can’t.)
Possession and The Children Books by Antonia Byatt. The Lord of the Rings. H.M.S. Surprise (if I have to pick ONE O’Brian book!).
What do you do in your down time to feed your soul?
Create, always, whether it’s writing or painting, or crafting. If I am too tired for any of this, I make digital pictures. It’s my comfort-food equivalent.
What’s next on your literary horizon?
There is this very strange sci/fi story I began tinkering with last year. It’s got time travel in it, and a rather heartbreaking twist on the idea of fated mates. But I haven’t really figured out the romance yet, since one of the characters is still unclear to me.W
Born in the northern wastes of Kaleva in the middle of a devastating war between light and darkness, Rikko’ has found his way south to the warm shores of the Circled Sea, the first elver to ever turn pirate.
Forbidden by the rules of the Andalouan court to pursue such an ungentlemanly career, Gael can only dream of ever becoming a doctor, and his medical studies remain unfinished until his aunt the Queen sends him on a covert mission to the pirate city of Beyas’kahl.
And here, after one night with Rikko’, all his loyalties are put to the test.
Queen Amata has reigned for three decades, and she always used her men cunningly. But even the best player can miscalculate, and her blunder places Gael first in slavery, then in a naval battle, and finally, worst of all, face to face with Rikko’s darkest and deadliest side.
From such darkness, is there any coming back? Is there any hope of love for Gael, or redemption for Rikko’?
“Come, Puna, sweetie,” he said, plucking the lemur off Gael’s shoulder with one hand. He placed her on his chest of drawers, on a pile of freshly laundered clothes, her favorite bedding in the world, after himself. She grumbled a little but soon settled down. “And as for you, my boy, you come here to me,” he whispered, drawing Gael to the edge of his bed, where they both tumbled down together, kissing.
Gael was still frantically pecking at him, with those tight-lipped clueless kisses that drove Rikko’ to distraction. He let himself be kissed like that for some minutes—it was so ridiculously lovable.
Ah, it is a pity to teach him anything, he thought. I wish I could keep him like this forever. He knows nothing, except that he has this need…
But you can’t have your cake and eat it, I suppose.
“Wait, sweet, wait,” he whispered finally, and laid Gael on his back, pinning his body down with his folded leg as he lay beside him, and took his cheek in his palm. He put his mouth to Gael’s mouth, and gently, slowly, savoring every minute instant of it, he ran the tip of his tongue along the seam of those tightly closed lips, lightly at first, then harder, until the lips finally parted, like two halves of a plum, and Gael gasped in surprise and then lust. His body arched in desire when Rikko’s tongue met his, and he groaned with hunger, welcoming the new intimacy of that tongue-to-tongue kiss with an adoring fierceness that had Rikko’ near to tears with emotion. He groaned again, hugging Rikko’ closer, sinking his fingers in his hair, touching his face and neck and ears, pursuing his mouth when Rikko’ pulled back to breathe, licking Rikko’s lips.
Rikko’ had never met any grown man (Gael was young, sure, but not a child—Rikko’ despised child lovers, and never, ever went close to the little creatures himself) both so inexperienced, so shy, and yet so wholeheartedly passionate. It was enchanting, and utterly enflaming. He laughed softly and pulled back from the kisses. This was just too much. He could not wait any longer. He needed to touch this boy properly all over; he had to have his cock in his mouth, and maybe, if Gael was so inclined, inside that beautiful, taut little butt.
“Too many clothes,” he said, in Gael’s ear. He kicked off his flip-flops, and realized, with a bit of a shock, that he was still wearing his dagger, stuck in his sash, and his sword belt. He had forgotten all about them. He crossed the room to lay both weapons on his chest of drawers and untied his sash, and felt Gael’s hands on his hips.
“C—can I? Sir? Please?” whispered the boy, and Rikko’ smiled as Gael, with almost religious awe, unwound the length of silk from around his waist and hips and let it fall to the floor around his feet.
Rikko’ stepped out of the puddled folds and murmured, “You too.”
He finished undressing in a few seconds. He never wore a lot. It just got in the way.
Gael took off his clothes, and Rikko’ watched him from the bed, waiting. Under those strangely unattractive breeches and shirt, he was every bit as delicious as Rikko’ had always known he would be, not particularly muscular, but sleek and quick, and just a little awkward, like a young animal, full-grown but still uncertain of his body.
Rikko’ pulled him close, pressing that lithe soft form against his own, and their cocks met halfway, both hard and quite ready, so that they had to be pulled up against their bellies for them to embrace. Rikko’ smiled and palmed Gael’s butt, and kissed him, deep and long, and then put a hand between them and took the boy’s member in his fingers just for a bit of a feel, a bit of foreplay.
He tugged at the lovely taut cock once.
Gael gave a sort of astonished yelp, tensed all over, and then moaned wildly against Rikko’s shoulder, oh, oh, ooh, and suddenly Rikko’ found himself awash in hot, splashing, dripping jets of sperm, all down his belly, lap, and leg, a veritable, goddamn, bleeding flood of it.
He let go, dumbfounded, and then burst into laughter.
“Wh—well, I’ll be … what the…” he began, but, really, he could only laugh. I just barely touched him!
“Damn it, doctor, our ship sprung a leak,” he said finally, still laughing. “I’m drowned!”
“Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods,” said Gael, absolutely frantic, “oh gods, sir, I am so sorry!” He jumped out of bed, fumbling around. “I’ll find my handkerchief, sir, I’ll mop it up this minute…”
Rikko’ laughed even harder and stretched out to pull him back in bed.
“Stop that. Leave it. Leave it, damn it! It’s all right. I’m joking. It’s all right! It’s all good! Stuff’s good for the skin, it is known. Leave it.” He couldn’t stop laughing.
Visit In the Eye of the Wind’s web page with maps and an exclusive excerpt: http://meetingivory.wixsite.com/katherinewyvern/in-the-eye-of-the-wind h
Buy Links:
Amazon (you can also grab a free sample here): https://www.amazon.com/Eye-Wind-Katherine-Wyvern-ebook/dp/B07MWFND8Z/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=in+the+eye+of+the+wind+wyvern&qid=1547809523&sr=8-1-spell
Evernight (sexy ecerpt): https://www.evernightpublishing.com/in-the-eye-of-the-wind-by-katherine-wyvern/
Social Media Links:
Katherine’s Blog: https://katherinewyvern.blogspot.fr/
Katherine’s Website: http://meetingivory.wixsite.com/katherinewyvern
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katherinewyvern
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KatherineWyvern
Or follow her on Instagram @katherinewyvern