Welcome Katherine and thank you for agreeing to this interview.
All authors have their own reasons for writing a book. What are yours?
At my core, I write because I love to tell stories. People are fascinating in all their variety, and I’m enamored with showcasing their courage, their hope, their resilience, and their capacity to love, despite the odds.
Where did you find your inspiration for the story? Was it a person, a current event, something you witnessed, or something else?
I’ve always loved fae, and the first book in the series came about because I had been binge-ing Lost Girl and reading rockstar romances at the time and realized I wanted to combine the wacky hijinks of fae with the crazy lives of rockstars. The moment I introduced Danica’s character into the first book, I knew she needed a book of her own. She was too smart, too savvy, too quick-witted to not get her own happy ending.
Did you face any obstacles or challenges while writing the story and if so, what were they?
Actually, I faced a massive stint of writer’s block with this novel. Danica is the polar opposite of my personality, and I found her perspective a lot more difficult to write. She’s a cunning survivalist who hides her emotions at all costs, whereas I’m an open book, pun intended. However, persistence was the name of the game. Even though this book took a bit longer than average to write, the story ended up being memorable for me.
What have you learned from the main characters in your story?
I’ve learned I can write characters foreign to my experience, which was a good personal lesson. Danica and Trevor’s story is one of resilience. Despite the brutal pasts they both endured, both Danica and Trevor learn how to heal together.
Do you write in other genres and if so, what are they? What genres would you like to try that you haven’t already?
Not only do I dabble in other romance subgenres, but I also write young adult and fantasy. In all honesty, fantasy was my first love, the predominant genre I read growing up. I didn’t read romance until I was an adult and ended up falling headfirst for that genre as well. I’d be curious some day to try my hand at a mystery or thriller, because I enjoy tight pacing.
What is your writing process? Are you a pantser or a plotter, or a little of both?
I’m an inveterate pantser. Normally, ideas come at random and they get teased out into concepts. When I start a book, I’m usually working with a base concept, and the plot gets figured out along the way. I’ve tried both methods, but the way I follow my intuition when I pants my way through a novel ends up achieving the best pacing every time. The other issue I have when I try to plot is that I’m too honest. I end up telegraphing future events with a heavy hand, rather than letting them unfold naturally. With pantsing, I’m just as surprised by the twists as the readers!
What’s next on your literary horizon?
I’m going to be working on the next in my Discord’s Desire series, and I’m excited for the final book of my Tribal Spirits series to come out later this year. The newest series in my lineup is The Eros Tales coming out with Limitless Publishing. The first book, Taking Root, will release on July 16th. Of course, because I can’t just be content with that, I’m also working on a heist romance that I’m hoping to develop into a series as well. There will be plenty of new books on the horizon!

Danica Maslanka is a survivalist at heart, and after the way she screwed over the guys of Discord’s Desire in their time of need, Trevor Arceneaux wants nothing to do with her. Except when their tour brings them to Sin City and they run into Danica once more, he can’t get the leannan sidhe off his mind.
She’s in dire straits, hunted by the same man who enslaved Trevor for most of his life. He doesn’t trust her for a heartbeat, but he also can’t turn away someone in such a similar circumstance as his own. As their path leads them closer to a confrontation against his former owner, Trevor’s loathing for Danica strips away until he finds himself falling for the tough, independent woman. Danica betrayed them once, but as something real blossoms between them, if she backstabs them this time, his trust will be shattered for good.
The moment he turned the corner, Trevor froze.
She sat at the bar wielding an appletini like a weapon, and the trim black dress she wore clung to her lithe form like it’d been painted on. The neon blue scarf around her neck and matching heels fit her style to a T, accenting glossy chestnut locks pulled into a chignon and sharp, inquisitive eyes that sliced like a knife. The leannan sidhe’s pointed ears and elfin features were the only tip offs of her fae heritage, since she could blend even without the glamour veil that kept humans unaware of their kind.
The sight of Danica Maslanka delivered a one-two punch to the stomach, the reminder of the smoking ruin way things left off between them.
Trevor lifted the gin and tonic as he approached. “So, let me guess, poisoned?”
Her plum lips quirked in a pert grin. When they’d first met, he’d found her stunning, but nothing painted someone in shades of ugly like betrayal. “Like I’d be so classless to offer a poisoned drink. I was looking for a way to chat one-on-one, and I figured if I sent an email, you’d ignore it.”
“You’d be right.” Trevor took a seat beside her. He did trust that she hadn’t poisoned the drink—the woman wasn’t a killer, she just possessed no ounce of moral fortitude. Like he should’ve expected more from one of his kind. When Ky’s brother Larsen Blackmore targeted the band, sending mercenaries after them six months ago, Danica had showed up with a similar vendetta and they’d joined forces.
Until Ky got kidnapped and Danica ditched. She had Larsen in her sights and nailing him to a cross meant more than saving their lead singer. The last time they heard from her, she hung up on Liz while Ky was the worst sort of screwed. Trevor’s blood heated all over again, and he took a sip of the gin and tonic to cool his nerves. \
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Website: http://www.katherine-mcintyre.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kmcintyreauthor
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